Reading at Curdworth
At Curdworth Primary, we put reading at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to ensure that every child, regardless of their background, needs or abilities, will learn to read. We want to ensure that children leave Curdworth as lifelong readers who have a genuine love for reading.
Guided reading
Once children graduate from our phonics programme (RWI) they move to guided reading lessons. These lessons are taught in individual year groups, ensuring that children are exposed to a range of texts matched to their year group. Guided reading sessions from Year 2-6 last between 30-45 minutes daily.
Through year group reading lessons, children are given the opportunity to both enjoy and explore a wide range of high-quality fiction and no-fiction texts.
Our guided reading lessons are based around key components from Scarborough’s Reading Rope, which we believe ensures that children develop as highly secure and confident readers. Our reading curriculum ensures that we cover the relevant Key Stag content domains along with an emphasis on developing prosody skills. Throughout the week, vocabulary is explicitly taught and children are given the opportunity to make links in their knowledge using spelling, synonyms and antonyms.

To develop fluency and comprehension further, children in KS2 access Reading Plus during one of their guided reading sessions. This bespoke programme aims to develop age-appropriate fluency and understanding as children progress through school and helps to close attainment gaps.
Reading for pleasure
Reading for pleasure is the single most important indicator of a child’s success.’ (OECD 2002)
We value reading for pleasure highly and as a school we ensure that we prioritise this. All classes have daily timetabled time dedicated to the class novel. These books are chosen carefully from our 2-year cycle reading spine which covers a range of genres and authors. Where possible, texts will be selected to compliment the class topic.
Throughout the year we celebrate World Book Day and hold a yearly book fair. Teachers plan in time for children to visit one of our two school libraries to choose high-quality books for them to take home and enjoy. Achievements made on Reading Plus are celebrated in our weekly achievement assembly and certificates are awarded for those children who move up a reading level.
Writing at Curdworth
Coming soon!